This month we interviewed Andrea Beschi, operations manager of Messaggerie del Garda.
Briefly present your company and your role within:
Messaggerie del Garda is a group of professionals with a history in the field of logistics and freight transport on a national scale began in 1955. We are leader in Italy in offering integrated logistics solutions designed to increase the competitiveness and effectiveness of our customers: from storage to packaging to transport goods, including dangerous goods, including international shipments, in import, export and related customs operations.
How long have you been affiliated with the Group?
We started to know and collaborate with the CDS Group from the year 2000, until we became members in 2008.
What does being a CDS affiliate mean to you?
It means feeling part of a group of companies that share values, work projects, ideas and goals. Belonging to a group also means sharing part of one’s days, during which the result of the work activity is the responsibility of all members of the group, where seriousness, trust and respect must become pillars of the common vision of the group and not just words written on paper. The group, for us, represents the link that binds everyone.
What added value does your company bring to the network?
We participated in the birth of CDS because we believed in a winning idea shared with people and companies with whom we have in common values, work projects, ideas and goals. Today, we continue to promote values of seriousness, trust and respect as pillars of the group’s common vision, so that it can continue to grow.