The Stante Group born in 1973 from the intuition of Roberto Stante is projected today to be one of the most active players in the international shipping and logistics market. The individual companies of the Group are led by the second family generation and by managers who are partners of the companies themselves. Almost 200 professionals are currently employed and the 2018 turnover was consolidated at around 100 million euros.
The developed system of values is the real engine of this constant journey.
For over thirty years we have believed that people, experiences, intuitions and everyone's abilities are the driving forces behind the system of values on which to base all of our Group's activities; a system of values where transparency is at the center of everything, becoming both an objective and a tool.
The system of values translates into three concrete commitments:
From each commitment assumed, the model of activities and services is born and it is on these concrete commitments that the entire managerial philosophy of Stante is based.