Transcoop is a cooperative consortium of artisan companies operating in the transport sector, both complete and groupage, mainly at a national but also international level. We are able to transport every type of product category, from industrial products to food products at both positive and negative temperatures with third-party transport of complete, partial, curtainsider and refrigerated loads.
Our company was founded in 1980 in Reggio Emilia from the merger of CAPA, CAR, Coop Autotrasporti Rubiera, Coop Autotrasporti Bibbiano, joined in 1984 by CBR (Cooperativa Birocciai Reggiani). Over the years, also thanks to a strategy of acquisitions of companies operating in the sector, we have achieved and consolidated the leading position in the sectors of full transport (FTL), industrial transport and food transport.
Transcoop carries out the services with the exclusive availability of the vehicles of over 250 single and multi-vehicle associated companies for a total of almost 900 towing vehicles. This organizational model guarantees the flexibility, cost-effectiveness and attachment to one's work typical of small entrepreneurs who intervene directly in the execution of services, in addition to the organization of the company, the continuous search for innovative solutions, the standardization and control of excellent quality levels, the availability of means to cope with work peaks and to offer personalized and cutting-edge technical and technological solutions.