Vallin Autotrasporti Srl


Vallin Autotrasporti Srl

Vallin Autotrasporti is a company founded in 1959 and has continued to evolve for over 60 years.

We were born following the need of Vigevano footwear companies to connect with the footwear districts in Veneto, and we still provide this service today.

Over the years, the need to diversify and offer greater services to our customers has led us to first open several direct lines in strategic regions and subsequently to establish relationships with networks, in order to extend our service throughout the national territory.

Today we specialize in the field of industrial groupage, but we also manage partial and complete loads and ADR goods.

We have always given importance to the relationship with the customer, pursuing the objectives of speed, precision and efficiency, in a continuous evolution that has led Vallin autotrasporti to transform itself into a cutting-edge courier company, always attentive to satisfying the needs of the market .

And to increasingly respond to the needs of our customers we have opened international connections.

Mission: We strive daily to improve our standards, working with dedication to find solutions to any new challenge presented to us by our customers.

Vision: Our desire is to approach the Italian and European markets, while remaining an important local reality.

Make the Vallin brand known, our passion for this work but above all our professionalism, outside the regional borders and become an important interlocutor for anyone who needs a serious and reliable transport company.

Our attention is no longer only on the maximum care to be taken in the transport of your goods but also on the footprint we are leaving on the Earth, a new objective is to turn as much as possible to renewable energy sources.


Vallin Autotrasporti Srl